Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"My logical definition and an analysis of Love" ( Give your comments or compliments )

What is Love? ( A logical definition :) )
Love is nothing.. It's just a set of feelings which generates from our inner side after a long process..
The flow chart of this process is as below:

Stimulating of hormones by our thinking..

Thinking positively or negatively about things after analysing..

Analysing the conglomerate output of the observations..

Observing the actions, behaviours, thinkings, etc. whatever an individual like to observe in the particular human being..

Now Let me describe it a little more:
First we observe the actions, behaviours, thinkings, etc. whatever we like to observe in the particular human being. After observing the person, we analyse these observations. Then we starts thinking about the merits or demerits. As we starts thinking, our hormones starts stimulating, and thus our positive feeling generates love/likeliness for that person in us, and negative feelings generates hate/dis-likeliness for that person in us, and if we are not thinking about a person then neither we'll like that nor dislike that.

Thus we can say that our each relation is based upon our actions, behaviours and thinkings. If these things get change.. then in reverse the observations, analysis, feelings and eventually love to those will get changed..

An example:
We all love our god and our god love us all very much and we all also know that he makes our fortune or misfortune on the basis of our actions, thinkings and our behaviours to other living beings..

So what's the love dear?? It's nothing, If some thing is there, then it is our doings, thinkings, and behaviours to others only.. Therefore we should make these all things as good as we can.. If we makes these good then we'll get the love of all... either of god or of the human beings and also of all other living beings if we treat them good..

Simply apply one formula of mine in your life----- "Do good, think good, and behave good--- you'll always get good...

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